Looking for more information about Normandale’s Dental Hygiene program? Get answers to the questions students ask most often.
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You can review the Dental Hygiene Information Packet here
Complete the following required courses before applying to the Dental Hygiene program:
MATH 0700
Course Name: Intermediate Algebra, equivalent or higher
Credits: 0
ENGC 1101
Course Name: Freshman Composition or equivalent
Credits: 4
CHEM 1050
Course Name: Foundations of Organic and Biochemistry or equivalent
Credits: 3
BIOL 2041
Course Name: Human Anatomy with a lab or equivalent
Credits: 4
BIOL 2042
Course Name: Human Physiology
Credits: 4
BIOL 2043
Course Name: Microbiology with a lab or equivalent
Credits: 4
Students are strongly encouraged to complete BIOL 2043 (or equivalent) during the first year of the Dental Hygiene program. This course must be completed with a grade C or higher to continue to the second year of the program.
Find out more about the program requirements. Get directions on how to apply.
Apply after you complete the minimum program requirements. Applications are accepted until December 31st for admission the following fall.
Have your official transcripts mailed to Normandale or submitted to the Health Science Enrollment Manager by January 15th. This allows time for the inclusion of fall grades following the December 31st application deadline.
The Dental Hygiene program is competitive. Normandale accepts 24 applicants each year. The remaining qualified applicants are considered alternates, and there is no waitlist.
Reapply for the following year if you are not accepted into the program and are not on the alternate list.
Students accepted into the Dental Hygiene program complete their course requirements before the December 31st application deadline.
What Impacts Your Chances of Acceptance:
Letters of recommendation are not considered during the admission process. Focus on completing your courses on time and doing well in these courses.
The program only accepts 24 applicants each year. Students with higher grades in the required courses will have a better chance of entering the program than those with lower grades.
Normandale offers the Associate of Science (AS) degree in Dental Hygiene as a 2-year program. You can also pursue a Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene (BSDH) through our partnership with Metropolitan State University.
Find out more about degree options and program requirements.
The Associate of Science degree program is four semesters (two years) starting each fall semester. Most students complete their liberal education and science courses before applying.
The Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene (B.S.D.H.) can take an additional one to two semesters to complete.
For an Associate of Science degree in Dental Hygiene the estimated student expenses are:
Tuition and fees - $18,500
Books and supplies - $5,000
This estimate does not include association, license and examination fees.
Consider financial aid and scholarship opportunities when planning your educational expenses. Explore funding options.
Get details about the Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene. Visit the MSU website.
The Dental Hygiene curriculum includes lecture, laboratory and clinical requirements. See the course curriculum and sequence of courses.
Some students may need to take microbiology or an elective course along with the Dental Hygiene schedule. All other general education courses should be completed prior to admission to the program.
Contact the Office for Students with Disabilities at 952-358-8625.
Graduates are eligible to take the following exams:
Dental hygienists are in demand across the state, with great wages and flexibility. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the dental hygiene field will grow by 11% through 2030. There are over 15,000 open positions every year in the U.S.
Visit CAREERwise for an overview of a career in dental hygiene through Minnesota's gateway to career, education, employment and business information.
Visit the websites for these national and state professional associations:
Yes! Normandale and Metropolitan State University (MSU) partner to provide a dual enrollment option for the Dental Hygiene program. This program lets you stay on the Normandale campus to pursue your Bachelor of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene. One application grants simultaneous admittance to both the Normandale and MSU programs.
Attend an info session to see if our Dental Hygiene program might be a good fit for you.