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Data Analytics

Data analytics (or operations research) is one the fastest growing careers. Data analysts use their mathematical and analytical skills to solve big problems using data. It’s a lucrative career path, with a median salary of over $86,000.  

This degree provides an introduction to data science by combining the tools of basic statistics, computer programming, and mathematical analysis with foundational concepts from a specific domain area. It’ll give you sufficient knowledge to enter the job market and to transfer credits to a baccalaureate program at a four-year institution. 

Where Will Data Analytics Take You?

With a data analytics degree, you’ll have a lot of options for your career path. You’ll use your high-demand analytical skills to help organizations solve big problems using data. 

This unique program is an approachable, affordable option for students who are interested in exploring how math, algorithms, computer programming, and statistical modeling all come together to help solve problems. 

Take the foundational classes, then enter the job market, or continue your education at a four-year college or university. Graduates from this program seek careers paths in business, government, health care, politics, sports management, and much more. 

Here’s the best part, employment in data analytics is projected to grow 25 percent through 2030, faster than the average for all occupations.* 

* U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 

"If you want to stand out from other job or internship applicants, the programs you learn to use [in Data Analytics] will be the next big thing. Take the course. You’re not going to lose anything. You’re just going to gain new skills."

Kenzer J. Hammond, Data Analytics Alumni, Normandale alumni

What Makes Our Data Analytics Program Unique?

Normandale is one of a select number of community colleges that offers a comprehensive data analytics degree at the associate’s level — at an affordable price. After just two years, you can jump into the job market, or be ready to seamlessly pursue your bachelor’s degree.

Data Analytics Program Basics

Computer Science Faculty

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